Make an adjustable friendship bracelet

 Finished friendship bracelet


You will need:

  • Embroidery silks, string or wool (ideally 3 different colours)
  • Scissors
  • Sticky tape
  • A box or bottle
  • Two beads (optional) 

Making the friendship bracelet

1. You will create the bracelet using 4 strings. 2 strings will act like train tracks to hold the design you will make with the other two. We’ve chosen to make these train track strings white so they’re easily identifiable.

The 4 strings needed to make the bracelet

2. Cut two white strings to a length that’s approximately twice the circumference of your/your friend’s wrist.

3. Cut two more strings (one of each colour) so that they’re twice as long as the white ones.

4. Knot all four strings together approximately 10cm from one end.

5. Use sticky tape to attach the knot to the surface you’re working on.

Demonstrating the train track strings

6. Lay your box or bottle on the surface between you and the knot. Pull the two white strings towards you, over the top of the box and then stick them securely to the table with tape. You want to end up with your train track strings taut and slightly raised from the table so you can wrap the other strings around them.

Wrapping coloured strings over the left-hand train track

7. To create your bracelet design take the two coloured strings, bring them over the left-hand white string and then push them up towards the knot. Take note of which colour ends up nearest to the knot.

Wrapping over the right-hand train track

8. Bring the two coloured strings under the right-hand string, over it and back into the middle. Make sure that the same colour is nearest the knot. Tighten and slide towards the knot.

9. Continue to wrap the strings over each train track in turn, adjusting tension as you need and sliding the coloured strings towards the knot.

Main body of the bracelet completed and secured with a knot at each end

10. Continue until you have roughly 10cm of coloured string left or think that the bracelet is long enough (factoring in that you will create an adjustable knot). Tie a knot to hold the strings in place. 

Creating the adjustable knot

Laying the two ends of the bracelet over each other

1. Lay the left-hand end of the bracelet over the right.

Laying one end of the bracelet over your index finger

2. Grip the point where the strings cross with your left hand and direct the uppermost string so that it runs along your left index finger.


3. Continuing to hold the bracelet firmly take the string from your index finger and wrap it around the back of your finger, through the bracelet and to the front.

Creating the second loop of the adjustable knot

4. Repeat step 3 to make another loop.


5. Carefully slide the two loops from your finger whilst continuing to hold the bracelet tightly. Take the string you've been working with to the back and then through to the two loops before slowly tightening the adjustable knot.

Finished adjustable knot

6. Check that your knot slides along the bracelet and have another go at tying it if necessary.  

Finishing the adjustable friendship bracelet

1. To finish the bracelet you must knot both of the loose ends to stop them disappearing into the adjustable knot. Leave enough string so that the bracelet can be opened to fit over a hand, tie a large knot and then trim any extra string.

Adding a bead and stopper knot

2. Optionally you may choose to add a bead before tying the large stopper knots.