Create a ring-shaped paper aeroplane

Ring-shaped paper aeroplane

You will need:

  • A sheet of paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue


1. Fold one corner of the paper so that it reaches the opposite side, creating a right-angled triangle. Firmly press the diagonal crease you have created.

Folding paper to make right-angled triangle

2. Cut away the rectangle of paper that is left and keep it for later.

Create square of paper, reserve the rectangular strip

3. Create another diagonal crease in the square of paper.

Create two diagonal folds in the square

4. Bring the bottom corner of the square to meet the middle point, crease and then unfold. 

Fold bottom corner up

5. Bring the bottom corner of the square to meet the crease that you created in step 4. Crease and unfold. 

Fold bottom corner up again

6. Bring the bottom corner of the square to meet the crease that you created in step 5. Crease but do not unfold. 

Fold bottom corner up a third time

7. Continue to roll the paper upwards, using the creases as a guide and flattening the paper each time it is folded. Stop rolling once you reach the middle of the paper.

Roll up bottom until it meets the middle

8. Turn the paper over so that all the folded paper is underneath.

9. Bring the two points of the triangle around to meet each other creating a ring shape. Tuck one point into the folds of paper on the outside of the other point. 

Fold points together to make a ring

10. Take the strip of paper you put to one side in step 2. Cut it down so that it is roughly the width of the point where the two sides of the ring join.

11. Use glue or a loop of sticky tape to attach the strip of paper to the ring, ensuring that there is an even length of paper on each side. 

12. Gently curl each side of the wing upwards with your fingers before having a first attempt at making it fly!


You may want to experiment with making the ring narrower or the wings longer to see how it affects your new paper aeroplane's performance. 


If you're keen to keep experimenting and learning about aerodynamics, why don't you take a look at this activity designed by the engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory?