Parrot Street in the press!

This September we were thrilled to be featured in the school news section of the Little London Schools Guide. What a treat to see details of our children’s book subscriptions alongside the latest learning tools and education updates for primary and pre-primary aged kids.
The guide also included a fascinating article on emotional intelligence and we did a little fist pump when we saw ‘be a bookworm’ listed as one of the key things we can do to instil this in our children. We heartily agree that ‘reading to your child helps her to learn how to understand the world around her’. Read more on why we think reading is so magical here and here.
As huge fans of the Kid Normal series by Greg James and Chris Smith we also loved reading the interview with them about how school shaped their careers. Interestingly it was revealed that Chris won a short story competition at the age of 8 with a tale all about a dinosaur that loved brandy snaps!
The Little London Schools Guide can be found as a supplement in Baby or via online magazine apps like Readly.
Find out more about our fantastic book subscriptions here.
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