Alex Falase-Koya on Marv and the Mega Robot and illustrated chapter books for kids

Marv and the Mega Robot by Alex Falase-Koya. Book cover and author photo.


We are thrilled to be sharing a rip-roaring sci-fi adventure with our Parakeet subscribers this month. Marv and the Mega Robot by Alex Falase-Koya combines robots and superheroes with a hugely relatable lead character and brilliant illustrations by Paula Bowles. It's the first in a fantastic new series and the perfect book for newly independent readers. Here Alex tells us about what inspired the series, writing in bed, and which illustrated chapter books for kids he recommends you read next.

What inspired you to write Marv and the Mega Robot?

I love superheroes, and I loved writing so I always felt like one day I would write something with a superhero.

If you could solve any problem with an invention, what would it be and how would it work?

One problem I have is that I love eating ice cream on ice cones, but my ice cream always ends up all over my hand. So I'd invent the dripping Ever Expanding Ice Cone, an ice cone that constantly grows and catches the ice cream drippings before they hit my hand. I won't have a wet hand and I'll have more ice cream cone to eat, it's a win win!

What qualities do you think make Marv a good superhero?

I think Marv's kindness and imagination are what makes him such a good superhero.

What do you think is your superpower and why?

I think my superpower is probably my determination. When I put my mind to something I don't give up. I think it's my superpower because it's helped me a lot in my life.

Can you tell us anything about what happens next to Marv?

We have both giant plants and giant hamsters coming up in the next couple of books! I'm very excited for both!

Why did you choose to write books for this age group?

It's really fun to write books for this age group! The audience is young and filled with imagination, it makes it fun for me to tell these stories because I can really have fun.

Do you have a favourite place to write?

I like writing sat up in my bed with a cat on my lap. That's my favourite place.

Which other illustrated chapter books for younger readers would you recommend our subscribers read next?

I'm a big fan of cats, I have two cats of my own. I'm also a big fan of superheroes. So, I would recommend the Kitty series by Paula Harrison and Jenny Løvlie.

Copies of our Marv and the Mega Robot pack, including a copy of the book and loads of fun activities to go with it, are now available for individual purchase. Grab a copy while stocks last!

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