Make a colourful alien

Colourful alien made with paint and pen

You will need:

  • A piece of paper
  • Coloured paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Black pen
  • Googly eyes (optional)
Fold a piece of paper in half lengthways

1. Start by folding your piece of paper in half lengthways.

A selection of paint colours on an old plate

2. Squeeze a small amount of a few different colours of paint onto an old plate.

Painting colourful shapes on one half of the paper

3. Working quickly so the paint doesn't dry, add areas of colour in interesting shapes to one half of your paper.

Folding the paper in half to transfer the paint

4. Fold the paper in half and press down all over so that the paint transfers to the other side of the paper.

Shape of an alien created in paint

5. Leave the paint to dry.

Adding details with a black pen

6. Once the paint is completely dry have fun turning your colourful blob into an alien by adding any features with a black pen. 👀 We also opted to add some googly eyes!