Make an origami treasure box

Origami treasure box

You will need:
  • Two sheets of paper of different colours (A5 or larger)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • A bead (optional)
  • Thread or wool (optional)
  • A large needle (optional)

1. Fold one sheet of paper in half lengthwise. Cut along the crease so you have two long, thin strips of paper (you will only need one for this project).
2. Measure the length of the short edge of your strip. Mark the point on one long edge that is double the length of the short edge. Repeat on the other long edge, join the marks and then cut away the excess paper. 
3. Use a ruler to help you accurately divide the long edge of your paper into three equal sections. 
4. Fold the paper into three even sections, using the marks you made as a guide.
5. Fold the paper in half and unfold. You will now have three vertical creases on the paper.
6. Fold one short edge of the paper inwards to meet the outermost crease. Repeat with the other short edge.
7. Rotate the paper 90 degrees. Fold one corner inwards so that it lines up with the short edge of the paper. Repeat with the other three corners.
8. Fold one the right-hand side of inwards and crease sharply. Unfold and then repeat on the left-hand side.
9. Unfold the creases you made in steps 7 and 8. Then turn the paper over.
10. Bring the bottom right-hand corner of the paper up so that the corner reaches to a point that is two squares down and one square in from the top left-hand corner. Crease sharply and then unfold.  Repeat with the other three corners.
11. Turn the paper 90 degrees. Fold the long edge of the paper up so that it reaches the next crease it meets. Crease sharply and unfold. Repeat with the other long edge.
12. Turn the paper back over. Fold each of the upper corners down so they meet the short edge of the paper.
13. This step is arguably the trickiest. Gently raise the right-hand corner flap that you folded down in step 12, grab the corner of the paper and guide it down and towards the left. Repeat with the left-hand corner tucking it carefully behind the right. When you're finished, it should look like this:
14. Fold the bottom of the paper upwards along the existing crease and then let go. 
15. Gently lift the right-hand side of the paper and guide it towards the left so that a triangle is formed.
16. Fold the point of the triangle backwards so that it touches the edge of the box.
17. Repeat on the other side and you will end up with the basic shape of a box with a folding lid. 
18. Take your other piece of coloured paper and complete steps 1 to 4 as above.
19. Fold the paper in half as you did in step 5 but this time do not unfold it. Instead, take the folded edge and bring it up so that it's corner reaches the crease. Repeat with the other corner.
20. Unfold the paper.
21. Fold one short edge of the paper to meet the nearest crease. Crease sharply and unfold.
21. Fold the bottom edge of the paper up so that it meets point where the two diagonal creases on the top section converge. Crease sharply and unfold. Repeat with the upper edge of the paper.
22. Turn the paper 90 degrees so that the edge you folded in step 21 is at the top.
23. Fold the bottom edge of the paper upwards using the existing crease.
24. Fold the bottom right-hand corner of the figure so that the point reaches the nearest crease. Repeat with the other bottom corner.
25. Take the corner of the paper and fold it downwards to meet the triangle you created in step 24. Repeat with the other corner.
26. Grab the small triangles you created in step 25 and fold them downwards over the triangles you created in step 24.
27. Pick up the paper and gently push the two sides together, you will see a box shape start to emerge. Using the creases as your guide form a box with three normal sides and the remaining paper on the final side. 
28. Fold the right-hand third of the remaining paper backwards so that it is in line with the box. Repeat with the left-hand third of paper.
29. Fold the strip of paper forwards and over the rest of the box, using the existing creases as a guide.
30. Slightly loosen the folds in the first box you made so that you're able to slide the long strip of your second box into the square shape you created in step 13.
31. Gently ease the second box inside the first. You will be able to slide the square edges of the first box into the diagonal creases on the sides of the second. 
32. If you'd like to make a fastening for the box you will need to grab a bead and length of string or wool. 
33. Thread the bead onto the string and slide it to the middle. Double the string and thread a sturdy needle. Push the needle through the lid of the box and pull through until the bead sits tight against it. Unthread the needle and your fastening is finished - you can wrap the thread around the box and a couple of times around the bead to secure it!